Resilience Speakers for schools | Luke Kennedy | Mental Health Speakers
Motivational Speakers Melbourne & Country VIC
Being invited as a motivational speaker for events is always an exciting experience. The lead up to the talks are in depth and structured to ensure the event not only goes smoothly but so I understand everything there is to know about those in the audience.
This visit was to be keynote speaker Melbourne for a couple of corporate events and also a primary school.
The primary school was for Cambridge Primary where I speak with the year 6 students there every year.
The corporate events was for Anglicare Victoria & then a motivational speaker event for The North East Flexible Learning Network after the talk I was holding my teacher PD workshop for the group.
I had church on Sunday with my wife before she dropped me off at Ballina airport for the 2 hour flight down to Melbourne. Arriving at my destination at around 8pm I hired a car and drove to a farm stay out of the city. It was such a perfect spot and comfortably had a deep sleep.
Waking up super fresh I went for a walk, listened to a an audiobook, did a bit of a workout, and then got ready for the day ahead.
I drove to the event as speaker for schools at Cambridge primary school.
I met with organiser of the event who I see each year, teacher Katie Goward. She passed on some cool info from the talk last year and it excited me to hear the lasting impact there was on some of her students :-)
Below is a photo of one of the designs her students made.

In came the year 6 2024 group. There’s something special about the school. Every year there’s such a strong connection with students, and the teachers are always so pleasant and obviously care about lot about the kids. Their passion is evident and I do believe that’s the biggest reason for the students being so attentive, respectful, and open to asking some thoughtful questions.
After the talk, the students and some teachers opened the conversation up with some if those questions and then a few came up and shared some of their own stories. It’s always such a pleasure visiting Cambridge primary!
I left the school and smiled up at a cloudless day and felt great! Leaving an event after impacting such a great bunch leaves me on a high.
I had the rest of the day to chill out, grab some food, and caught up on a couple of documentaries I’ve been watching.
Another good night sleep before a 90 min drive to the event for Anglicare. I had been liaising with a nice woman, Jennie Freene who was organising the event. When being a corporate motivational speaker for organisations that are as caring as Anglicare Victoria are, you get to meet some of the most beautiful hearted and kind people.
It’s exactly what Jennie was and the moment we met in person I could see her drive and passion for her people.
I then met a whole bunch of amazing people before setting up and got introduced to the MC. He was such a great man! One of those men you respect instantly and will no doubt cross paths with again along the way.
As a motivational speaker to see the audience nod their heads slowly as you speak is always a welcoming experience. I have full confidence in what I deliver but to see it so obviously impact people gives you more confidence to keep inspiring.
After the talk a heap of people approached me and shared some of their own journeys. It’s another one of the special parts of speaking with people - hearing from them. Hearing their triumphs and tribulations and seeing the passion and emotion in their eyes as they tell it!
I sold a heap of books too which is always a bonus. The book is such a great compliment to the talk so always cool when a heap grab one (some even grab a couple!).
It was another event where I walked out, looked up to the cloudless sky and gave God some thanks!
The event finished at about 1 & on the way back to my accommodation (did I mention it was perfect?) I stopped in at Grill’d burgers and grabbed a double patty lamb burger…. Yum!!
Home for more chill time!
I had to get the place and everything sorted for the following morning because I was getting up at 5:30 to leave by 6 to drive up to Benalla for the event with The North East Flexible Learning Network
I arrived in the town and drove through to get to the event.
Being invited to speak to teams as a motivational speaker Melbourne sometimes there’s some tech issues. Tech issues with sound, computers, or projectors. There was the same here but the team their worked hard and got it all done just in time :-)
I stood up on a big stage with the audience seated in the auditorium & even through the spotlight in my eyes, and looking out into the dark, I could still see some head nods. Love me them head nods :-)
It was a 90 min keynote presenters Melbourne talk and straight after, I got to chat with some brilliant and wholesome people. From the organisers to those in attendance, it was one of those special ones. People from all walks of life chatted and asked questions and then we went outside and almost everyone bought a book. Love me them book sales too haha.
I got the chance to go into town and grab a steak before heading back and holding the teacher PD workshop which is all around reducing stress and anxiety. Another GREAT session with the group and it’s powerful when it opens up to the group for discussion.
I know I’ve said it already but the people there were just beautiful! And their kind words were received & I felt so welcome.
Great trip to Victoria!
Do you have a group of kids that need a push in the right direction? Let Luke inspire your kids.