Resilience Speakers for schools | Luke Kennedy | Mental Health Speakers
Motivational Speakers on Resilience | Hurstville | Luke Kennedy

Luke Kennedy speaking at Hurstville Boys High School

Luke Kennedy speaking at Hurstville Boys High School
"You came to my School today and I wanted to say how much I was inspired from your talk. I used to get so angry at myself and other people who I was trying to impress. I'm going to stop worrying about what other people think and be the best versions of myself. Thank you!" - Year 10 student.
Back to the beginning! Back in late 2014, my first book, Stabbed Ego, was published and early on it was successful in terms of feedback and the wide reach. I had been asked by the publicist I was working with if I was open to becoming a speaker at schools and be a part of Australia's motivational speakers. I said "yes" and was outwardly confident, but internally I couldn't see myself doing it. I was nervous, didn't have the best social skills, and doubted whether my story & content would connect with anyone. It's fascinating to see what comes up when anything new prevents itself or pulls you out of your comfort zone. I mean, with the past that I had with drug addiction, crime, gang violence, and having being stabbed twice, you'd think speaking to a bunch of kids would be a walk in the park. Nope! It definitely wasn't. When researching about becoming a motivational speakers, I read that public speaking is one of the biggest things that people are nervous about doing. Anyways, with it in the back of my mind, I went back with my usually business of running the gym. I was holding classes at this time, so being in front of people wasn't something I hadn't done before. Holding a group class though was different. I had rehearsed the class to the second, and while I was holding it, people were busy working out. They weren't sitting or standing there watching me. I suppose though, even at the start of the classes, I was nervous. I had just done it so many times that I built my confidence up. I wondered if being a motivational speakers for schools would be the same. After my book had been released for a few months, I received the inevitable request to be motivational speaker for schools at Hurstville Boys High School. A school teacher from Hurstville read the book and asked if I could come and speak to the students. She said that a lot of the students needed to hear my story. I said yes, and I had a month or so to prepare. During the first week of preparation I had drafted an email to pull out of the talk. My nerves & doubts were getting the better of me. The little voices in my head were having a doubtful tennis match. "Just pull out. It's not something you really want to do" "Yes you do. Do it! It'll change lives. Yours included." "There's heaps of motivational speakers for schools. Why would I be any different?" "You have a strong story and angle that people want to hear. Push past your doubts. You've got this." "They'll laugh at you." "No they won't" "Just cancel. You'll feel heaps better." "You'll regret this if you don't" "I'm going to do it!" I committed to myself and over the next few weeks, even though the tennis match continued, I still continued preparing. I didn't want the talk to just be another bad guy gone good story because there's plenty of those. I wanted to open them up through story and then get deep with the messages of resilience, self awareness, being your best self, and mental health speakers. Next thing I know, I'm standing in front of year 10 at Hurstville boys high and felt incredibly connected with the audience. I noticed teachers up the back nodding to each other as I delivered some solid points. I think it was working :-) Afterwards I was met with a huge applause & some of the students approached me and asked questions and thanked me. First event as a motivational speakers for schools done! I could have never imagined where my speaking would take me over the years. Now I'm guest speaker for schools all across Aus Motivational speaker for primary schools Corporate events speakers Staff PD workshop facilitator Speaker for parent & community events How cool! So you can probably imagine how happy I was to receive an email to return to be guest speakers for schools again at Hurstville boys all these years later. I arrived at the school early, and was escorted to the school hall. It was different this time. The first time I spoke at the school it was in the library. Setting up for the talk I chatted to a man who told me he was there for my first event back in 2014! We had a cool chat as we set up, and then in came the students. The day went perfect!!! Loved being back to Hurstville boys high… this time a little more confident :-)

Do you have a group of kids that need a push in the right direction? Let Luke inspire your kids.