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Busy Week! Motivational Speakers For Schools & Conference Speakers Tour

Guest Speaker for events, Luke S. Kennedy

Travelling Australia as one of the most sought after motivational speakers, I've had some busy weeks!

This one was extra busy.

I spoke in 3 different states, caught 5 planes, and inspired 1000's of people.

It was a mix bag of talks and workshops as well;

Corporate speaker events

Guest speakers for schools

Teacher stress workshops

Parent mental health evenings

The week started off in Sydney where I was guest speaker at Doonside tech. I spoke to the year 11 students there, and the energy of the room was special. Afterwards we all hungout, chatted, got selfies (of course) and I answered some deep questions by some deep minds.

"You're honestly the best. I wish you all the blessings in life. Thank you for coming today and having the courage to share your story. Haven't seen many motivational speakers, but you're incredible." - Yr 11 student.

Doonside Teach Speakers for school, Luke S. Kennedy


Tuesday, I had to jump on a flight to Melbourne. I was guest speaker for St Vincent's hospitals awards dinner. Arriving in Melbourne at 2, I had some time to chill out in my room, freshen up, before heading down to the ballroom. I headed down early to ensure all the slides were working, and a mic check. The room was already buzzing with movement as organizers, planners, and hotel staff were setting up the room for what was a special event.

After confirming all was ready to go, I headed back to my room and got ready.

Dinner started at 7, and I was due to speak at 8 after some awards were handed out.

A little nerves but mostly excitement, meant I requested eating after my talk. After being introduced, I jumped on stage to an audience of roughly 300 people. Nodding heads, laughs, gasps, and smiles, ensured me that my story and messaging was getting across. 40 mins later, I was applauded off the stage, ate my meal, and had many guest approach me thanking me for my talk and telling me how much they got out of it.

Being a guest speaker means you get to meet some great people. This night was extra special considering all the people in the room have dedicated their lives and careers to helping others. Beautiful souls.

After the event was finished, I was still chatting with a heap of people, and then realised the time. It was close to 11, and I was being picked up at 5am for a flight to Adelaide. Wishing everyone the best, I headed to my room, and to settle my energy a bit, I took my time packing my case, showered, and sat down consciously breathing.

After being on stage as a motivational speaker, and chatting with attendees afterwards, you're totally wrecked, however due to the overstimulation of emotions, and thinking, your mind is still racing and it's tough to sleep. Slowing my actions down when back to my room, helped me fall to sleep. If I just jumped straight into bed, I would've stared at the ceiling for hours.

"You were fabulous, Luke. You had the whole room enthralled." - Attendee

Guest Speakers for events


My alarm went off at 4:30, and it was action time.

The flight to Adelaide was smooth, and landing at 8, I had a few hours to spare before my first school speakers event at Playford International College. Jumping in my hire car, I headed to the gym for 90 mins to train, clear my head, and energize myself for the day.

After the session, I drove to the college to be guest speakers for schools with 2 year groups.

The demographic of the school is similar to my upbringing, and what I love speaking to. Its a low socioeconomic environment which means there's plenty of opportunity for growth. My story and messaging connects incredibly well with any audience, though this one is the type I get a deep connection with.

"I've never seen them sit like that for so long. You connected with them all. We want you back next year to speak to our other year groups!" - teacher.

Playford International College Motivational speakers for schools


After Playford, I had a flight to Port Lincoln. I've never been to Port Lincoln, and flying over the top of it, I could see how beautiful it was. I wasn't wrong! Landing at 5pm, I then headed out for dinner before going back to my room to catch up on some sleep I missed from the night before.

Waking up fresh, I had a big day ahead as guest speaker for St Joseph's. I was speaking with Yrs 11 & 12 in first session, then 7,8, & 9 in the second session.

To cap the day off I had an evening talk with parents, and teachers.

The student talks were fantastic! All students were present, insightful, and asked some awesome questions at the end.

A post on the schools Facebook page afterwards read;

"Just a reminder to parents about tonight's Motivational Speaker, Luke S. Kennedy, who is presenting a Parent Session at 7.00pm tonight in the Boarding House Multi Purpose Room. Today Luke delivered two presentations to our Middle and Senior School students. The students (and staff) were blown away by Luke's story and mindset. It was the longest 'question and answer' time with students genuinely interested in what Luke had to say. I think it's fair to say Luke added about an extra 250 students to his fan club today."

St Joseph's Port Lincoln Guest Speakers for schools, Luke S. Kennedy

The evening session with parents and teachers was just as special. I do a talk similar to the student talk so we're all on the same page with the language and angle of my presentation, but I go deeper into the stories and mental health content to help the parents with their own mindset, and also the connection with their kids.

A Facebook post from a parent read;

"The parent session was brilliant. Thank you for telling us your story and for giving belief when things turn bad you can bounce back. I had already implemented some of your suggestions approx 12 months ago and it had made a huge difference to my girls, there are more that I will implement. Now I’m going to turn off my phone for the last 1/2 hr of my day. Hope to see you back here again soon."

I had enquiries afterwards about coming back to Port Lincoln to be guest speakers for schools in the area.

Looking forward to getting back there!

After being through my harsh past, now, life couldn't be any better. I'm incredibly grateful to be able to share my story and travel Australia as s guest speaker at events and schools. It still blows my mind when I think about.

There's nothing in this world you can't do when you put your mind to it and don't give up.

I love you all x



Motivational Speaker, Bestselling Author, and Mental Health Advocate. Drive real change, foster resilience, and achieve lasting growth with impactful talks that make a difference for your school or organisation.


Luke Kennedy


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